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The girls are always asking for us to tell them about ourselves...here's our attempt to explain our strange, confusing,  yet sexy lives.....

John Parkinson


Hey, what's up? I'm John as you probably guessed. However I've been given many nicknames. Some would include... Parky, JP, J.Park, and Papa Smurff. Why smurff you ask? Because Papa Smurf was the almighty leader of ALL other smurfs and would always get them out of a jam. Why 2 f's at the end? That's simple. It's so you know it's me :-D.

I went to the Halloween Dance as Nelly...
...errrr, i tried at least

I live in the small town of Canton, IL where pickup trucks out number cars 3 to 1. There isn't a whole lot to do here but we get by. I spend a lot of my time golfing. I play for the high-school and it's fun times. A lot of it is just messing around and having fun so it's all good.


I also run track. I take running a little more seriously than I do golf. I do most of my running and training in the middle of winter. I've got to wear lots of layers and go running in the subfreezing weather. Most would think that running all winter long would be horrible but I like it.... no seriously... I do....


During the summer I love to go skiing and boating. Just don't fall while you're skiing on one ski... that hurts.... ouch.


Well I think that's all i've got to say, don't forget to wave if you see me in my red Olds Cutlass Supreme or while i'm running... see ya!

Are You HOT or NOT?


FOOD- Subway (try the Italian Herb and Cheese Bread, very tasty)

DRINK- Sprite, but the remix sucks


BRAND OF SHOES- Vans for w/e but Nike for running

PIE- Pumpkin & Apple

CAR- Dodge Viper


SHOW- Simpsons / King of the Hill

MOVIE- The Matrix Trilogy

BAND- The X-Ecutioners

CD- Built from Scratch


Chris Badgerow


Whoa there... I'm definitely Chris. I'm too lazy to type a lot about me because well... if you're here you probably already know me. Or could just go to my myspace. Uh... yeah.


Alright for those of you who don't know. I was gay and did something stupid as hell and I lived in California for like a year and a half. I didn't HAVE to leave, but yeah, I did. Anyway, all is good and now I am back in Canton. Talk about sweetness. I'm looking to just finish off the semester without any problems and get the hell out of here and get to college.



Oh man. Canton is going to rawk my socks. The town may suck, but seriously... so many awesome people. I feel like I have all these people waiting for me.

Yeah... and then me and Carter at ISU next fall. Hell yes. Talk about the freaking funnest thing ever.


Are You HOT or NOT?



Food- Spaghetti/Pizza




Ice Cream Flavor- Mint Chocolate Chip/Chocolate/Strawberry


Brand of Shoes- Converse


Pie- Pie? eh ummm, my mom's apple pie... apple pie... mmmmmm


Car- Ferrari Spider (will one day own this car) Mitsubishi 3000GT


Clothing Brand- Aero, Santa Cruz


Show- Laguna Beach, Friends


Movie- Harry Potter (4)


Band- Linkin Park


CD- Hybrid Theory/Meteora, Warped Tour 2004


