Caring Friends
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Best Friends are meant to be together.
                                    are there for you to cry on,
They are there to laugh with you. 
Best Friends like you for who you are, 
Not your money, or anything
                                    else you may have.
They like you for your personality and how you treat them.
Best Friends will stand up for each other.
They will not talk about you behind your back. 
They will stick
                                    up for you, 
And take a few blows to the face 'cause they care.
Best Friends will not leave you when
New people come along. 
They stick by your side throughout your
                                    entire life,
No matter what the situation. 
As the years go on, you may go separate ways.
You may drift apart, but you will both come back to your senses
                                    be together once again.
                                    Friends will be there until the end.
They will not worry about what other people
Just as long as you both still care.

All rights reserved, © Chris Badgerow. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden.